Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Ear tinnitus: Causes of the noisy disease

Ear tinnitus is the continuous noise in the ear. Some patients say that it is like a banging voice, for some, the noise of hammer continuously hits upon steel surface and few describe it as buzzing. So, the harshness of the sound is different in each case but the suffering of the patient is same.

There are two types of tinnitus. One in which the sound heard inside the ear. Both ears suffer from the continuous thud internally. The second one disturbs the head. These patients explain that the noise is there in their head.

Causes of ear tinnitus can be defined as follow:
Exposure to very loud noise:
Internal structure of human ear is very complex and sensitive. Those hearing cords get affected by very harsh, loud noise. The vibrations of the deafening sound hurt the internal structure of ear which causes this disease. Machine operators, factory workers, welders develop ear tinnitus in their mid- forties.

Hearing loss, internal ear infection, ear wounds, head injuries, mental abnormality, side effect of some medicines are few other causes of ear tinnitus.

Hearing Loss is very general cause of tinnitus. This defect increases the tendency of tinnitus. And it is the effect of tinnitus too. After such noise is heard continuously, patient automatically loses the capacity to hear other sounds. So, both the cause and affect are co-dependent.

Ear infection hurts the structure of ear which can develop tinnitus. Fungus infection is common for those who live in humid regions. If such infection is ignored or mistreated, the chances of ear tinnitus increase.

Ear wounds and head injuries which hurt ear chords are responsible for ear tinnitus. As the structure of ear is very complex and delicate, the accidents and wounds may impair ears easily. The same case is with head injuries as the sound identifying nerves are attached in the head, major head injurious too can cause tinnitus.

Mental abnormality is also a major cause of tinnitus. These patients are not in a conscious sound mind state. So, they hear such voices in ear. Such patients are not co operative to treatments so they suffer a lot because of the disease.

Side effect of the medicines can be a reason of ear tinnitus. A very well known name of such medicine is aspirin. There are many others too which can gift you “the tinnitus” as their side effect. Some serious diseases like brain tumors, cancer, and high blood pressure too develop tinnitus. In fact ear tinnitus is the pre- intimation given by the body before such serious illnesses. These are some causes of tinnitus.

We need to care for such patients more cautiously because they lose their sleep. The noise disturbs their listening ability as well as mental piece too. The restlessness makes them short tempered and impatient. If family members handle them with affection they can gradually come out with the help of proper treatments.

So, understand the patient and treat him with the best medicine, i.e. care.

High Cholesterol And Its Consequences

People see cholesterol as some sort of plague. But in reality cholesterol finds a place in our liver generated by our body. It plays a vital role to make our body to function normally.

When the cholesterol level exceeds the normal level you will have to face a very critical situation with rigorous changes in the body leading to worse health problems. You should protect yourself by keeping your cholesterol at the correct level.

The liver generates the cholesterol which is like a fat or a waxy steroid. One can see it the outer layer of our body's cells and it is responsible for the health of cell membranes, it also produces bile and hormones with estrogen and progesterone and other suc h things.
High cholesterol has many side effects and may cause many diseases to our body. Some of them are,

  •  Atherosclerosis - situation when the arteries become thin, narrower and harden.
  •  Coronary heart disease - some arteries behave abnormally and stop the flow of blood and oxygen  getting in to the heart.
  • Heart attack - Blood and oxygen stops flowing in the arteries resulting in death of the heart muscle.
  • Angina - Chest pain due to low blood level in heart.
  • Stroke - Blood vessel blocks in the brain which results in partial loss of movement and speech.

You will be able to feel the high cholesterol level if it is there in your body. Due to high cholesterol the blood vessels shrink inside the leg and pose heavy pain at the time when you perform any exercise.
Blood clots, narrow coronary arteries and many other symptoms you will be able to find when you consult your doctor.

Always ensure that you monitor your cholesterol level. You can follow the below mentioned tips to gain a good health and to reduce your bad cholesterol level: Do the exercise regularly Eat only healthy antioxidants foods like fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Don't eat foods with saturated fats such as red meat and sweet recipes. Relax yourselves and take a good amount of rest to stop from being stressed. Smoking and drinking alcohol should be avoided. You shouldn't put on more weight or suffer from a low weight, you should maintain a correct weight.

Live long, hale and healthy with correct cholesterol level and always ensure that you are away from a bad cholesterol level whenever it comes.

How to Stop Bed Wetting in Children’s

You've been around the block a few times with this whole enuresis thing if your child has been at it for a few years. You've got the drill down cold - taking care of the laundry, protecting your child's skin, protecting your mattress, steering this sleepy child to the bathroom for one last pee. That is, you've got the drill down cold... at home. Chalk it up to being just one more of the surprising things about being a parent - right? Basically, the diaper dependency theory says that kids who wet the bed, if they wear pull-ups or diapers (nappies to our friends across the pond), wet because they know they can.

This idea makes me nervous. At the root, it sounds like it hints that after a while, neurotic kids only wet the bed from laziness, apathy, or choice. We are so not going there! For anyone who's got a child with enuresis, we know this is a crazy stance to take.
Sure, on any given day, my child can be as lazy as a log, headache-inducing apathetic, and even cantankerous - but so can every other child I've ever seen. But there's a big difference between not wanting to clean his room, do the dishes, or get all his homework done before knocking off for the day, and simply deciding, "What the hay... the bathroom's just not convenient enough, so I'll wet my bed."

Those super-absorbent pull-ups made it pretty hard for the kids to know whether they'd had an accident. In the staying dry process, the day comes when you've got to chuck the pull-ups and try flying without a net. I started wondering whether it could it be the same thing with sleep wetting - maybe if he could feel it happening, he could stop.

Bed wetting alarms can train the sleeping brain to control the bladder and wake the sleeper if wetting occurs. Once fully trained, relapses are less likely. We are confident you can achieve a bedwetting cure, once armed with sound advice and a good bed wetting alarm.

Bedwetting Solutions sells bedwetting alarms throughout the world. You are able to purchase a unique bed wetting alarm with a wire-free remote wetness sensor on this site.

Full information on training and the alarm is provided, plus easy access to assistance through email. We treat child and adult bed wetting. We recommend alarm training for children aged 6 years and older, who have no complicating issues such as daytime wetting or chronic constipation, which need to be addressed with your doctor.

The idea - see what happens if he went without pull-ups for a few days.
It wasn't really a big deal to try this for a few days:
* My laundry routine was already in full gear, so a few more sets of sheets wouldn't even be noticeable.
* His mattress was fully protected, so it didn't do any harm.
* He's already a very responsible kid, and takes care of his own bathing and clean-up.
* I also made a solemn promise not to complain if it didn't work.
What was his take on all of this?

This is probably the best part. It's been no bed of roses for him, but it does seem to have made him a more compassionate kid. When he knows another kid has medical problems or challenges, he's always kind and sensitive to their feelings. He's also gotten pretty verbal about his bedwetting problem - and, thankfully, calls me on it if I ever complain or say something to make him feel bad about it.

Steps In Reducing The Risks Of Breast Cancer

Here are a few steps which will help reduce the risks of breast cancer to a great extent. These steps are not only useful in reducing the risks of breast cancer but also to help you lead a healthy lifestyle. Cause of breast cancer is still a question mark and no one can pin point a particular cause which causes this painful situation. So what we can do is reduce the risk or take preventive measures. Leading a healthy life style with proper food, discipline and exercises are known to keep lots of diseases and painful situations at bay.

Let's take a look at some steps that will help everyone in reducing the risks of breast cancer.

Limit consumption of alcohol and quit smoking. Alcohol; whether it is beer, wine or whiskey either limit it to one glass a day or just completely avoid it. It is not doing any good anyways. And if you smoke its high time you have to quit those things as well. It might be hard if you are addicted to these but as we always know it prevention is better than cure. These factors can cause a drastic change in one's life style and other metabolic activities which is said to be the most common cause of cancer. Why risk it?

Eating properly on low fat food and keeping a calorie counter is really important. You can seek a consultant if you need help with your diet so that they can tell you what the best is for you from your weight, height and other factors. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables and preferably cook for the day and don't keep it for a week or two days, just for the day, what is needed. This can ensure you are eating healthy as well. Eating at proper timings is also important.

Working out, taking yoga classes, going to the gym, jogging, aerobics or any other form of physical exercises to ensure each and every part of your body is actually at work. Sometimes when certain parts go idle they get too lazy and creates enough problems to give us painful situations. Let us not give into the laziness, let us work hard. These days lack of exercise is being a major concern

Obesity is linked with breast cancer as a possible cause. Maintain your weight. Make sure you work out enough and if you are overweight, please consult a physician's advice to cut down the weight. There is nothing to worry about if you are obese as well; these are just some prevention measures to help in reducing the risks of breast cancer.

You can also consult your doctor regarding hormonal therapy as a step for reducing the risks of breast cancer. You should also stay away from unwanted drugs. Make sure you do breast cancer checks by yourself often. If you find anything suspicious, please visit your doctor. You can also take mammograms and other methods to keep a check on your health. These steps however are just prevention procedures. Practice it and lead a healthy lifestyle, do all you can from your side and hope nothing will happen.

Home Treatment for Constipation

There are a lot of problems in the world that affect a lot of people. One of the most common digestive system problems would have to be constipation. There are a ton of things that can cause constipation, but for the most part, constipation is just a problem having a bowel movement.

At one time or another, almost everyone gets constipated. Poor diet and lack of exercise are usually the causes of short-term constipation. In most of these cases, constipation is temporary and not serious. Chronic, long-term constipation may occur from disorders such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Understanding the causes, prevention, and treatment of constipation will help most people find relief.

When IBS occurs, the colon does not contract normally. Instead, it seems to contract in a disorganized, at times violent, manner. The contractions may be terribly exaggerated and sustained, lasting for prolonged periods of time. One area of the colon may contract with no regard to another. At other times, there may be little bowel activity at all. These abnormal contractions result in changing bowel patterns with constipation being most common.

Symptoms of Constipation: -

• Cramping in a lower abdomen
• Mouth ulcer
• Bad breath
• Nausea
• Headache
• Coated tongue
• Dullness on skin

Treatment for IBS varies. If you are able to identify the foods or types of stress that cause your symptoms, avoiding these foods or situations will relieve the symptoms. Most treatments for IBS focus on diet. In general, a low fat, high fiber diet is effective in treating mild cases of IBS. If you have problems with bloating and gas, you should avoid foods that aggravate these conditions, such as beans and cabbage

Home Treatment for Constipation: -

Exercise: - Exercise is one of the effective home remedies. Bowel movements which are irregular can be combated by causing the food to move faster in the bowels. So go to a gym. Pregnant women oft encounter constipation problems, as their body functions have been altered to accommodate the growing fetus. Walking is particularly helpful in providing constipation relief.

Green - If you have not been consuming a great deal of green leafy vegetables or some other highly colored green food, greenness can be indicative that stools are passing through your body too quickly. The color is produced when bile is not given sufficient time to break down. This is often the case with diarrhea.

Honey: - Honey has mild laxative properties; thus, try ingesting 1 tablespoon of honey 3 times a day. If does not work on you, try mixing it with equal amounts of blackstrap molasses and having it. Since, honey and blackstrap molasses are high in calories, use them only occasionally.

Foods to Avoid in Your Diet: -

• Dairy products – Many dairy products, such as cheese and milk can cause constipation in some people
• Beans, cabbage, and cauliflower should be avoided by people who are prone to constipation
• Fried foods should be avoided by people who are prone to constipation
• Red meat can cause constipation

What is High Blood Pressure? Knowledge That Can Save Your Life

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a major health problem affecting millions of Americans. Despite its scope, not many people know that much about high blood pressure. What causes high blood pressure? What are hypertension symptoms? How is it diagnosed? Should I be concerned about it? The purpose of this article is to answer these questions so you can start on the road of the healthy heart. Ought some to people with high blood pressure to have symptoms, such as headaches or dizziness, blurred vision, palpitations shortness of breath, most people with high blood pressure have no signs or symptoms at all. That is why it is so important to have your blood pressure checked regularly by your healthcare provider. This is especially important if you are someone who is at higher risk for hypertension.

Signs and symptoms of high blood pressure or hypertension: - Hypertension leads to headache. Patient with increased blood pressure will feel headache, tiredness, fatigue, vertigo and palpitation of the heart. Patient may feel dizzy when lying down or getting up.

Prevention: - Patients with high blood pressure should do exercise and take adequate rest. A well balanced diet is another important factor to control the hypertension. Morning walk for half an hour is an excellent exercise for other ear infection. Avoid intake of excessive salt in the diet. Do not smoke or drink. Avoid excess tea or coffee during the day. The mind free from stress is difficult to find these days. But one should keep away the stress from your body to prevent the development of hypertension. Rest for one or two hours during the day helps you to get rid of worries and tensions of the day or family. Drink lots of water during the day.

What are the risk factors of high blood pressure?

The most common risk of stroke is high blood pressure and heart disease. High blood pressure can affect some parts of your body as well. You may suffer a stroke. This is because high blood pressure can break a weak blood vessel leaving the bleeding in the brain. Also if you have a clot blocking a narrow artery, you can also experience a stroke. There are some other risk factors that can be modified and some that can not be. Here are some risks: -
- Tobacco
- Physical inactivity
- Diabetes
- Abnormal Cholesterol
- Being overweight

Lifestyle Changes can help: - If you do have high blood pressure, there are some things you can do, some lifestyle changes that can be great high blood pressure treatments. For instance, get some exercise whenever you can. That means walking more instead of driving, playing with your kids, walking your dog, whatever. Get at least twenty to thirty minutes of moderate exercise two to three times per week. This will make your heart stronger and may actually work to decrease your blood pressure.

How can I lower my blood pressure?

Fortunately, there are many different ways to help lower blood pressure. Exercise, Natural remedies for blood pressure. Exercise is a great way to download it. Doing physical activity will make your heart stronger over time. If you have a stronger heart that can pump blood easier to reduce your risk of stroke and kidney disease. Never too late to start exercising!

Adult Incontinence

The problem of incontinence in adults is more common than you may think. Adult urinary incontinence or AUI is basically the loss of bladder control. The condition affects roughly twice as many women than men and is generally more common in the older generation.

The general cause of AUI is when a weakening of the pelvic muscles occurs or when your muscles become too active. The weakening of the muscles can be due to pregnancy and childbirth or following surgery on the prostate. If your muscles are too active, you may feel the urge to urinate when there is little urine in the bladder. Further causes may be due to the thinning of the urethra during the menopause, being overweight or suffering from an infection of the urinary tract. In addition, if you suffer from Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis or uncontrolled diabetes you may also suffer from the symptoms of AUI.

There are 3 different types of AUI, these being stress, urge and overflow incontinence. Stress incontinence can be caused by laughing, sneezing or through the action of lifting a weight. These actions can put abdominal pressure upon the bladder, which can inturn bring on incontinence. Stress incontinence is more common after childbirth, which has caused weakening of the pelvic muscles.
Urge incontinence is where the sufferer has a strong urge to urinate, which is brought on suddenly and with little warning. This type of AUI is more common amongst the elderly.
Overflow incontinence refers to a dribbling of urine, which may signal the presence of a tumour or an enlarged prostate.

If you feel that you may be suffering from any of the above forms of incontinence, it is important that you pay a visit to your local Doctor. It is likely that your Doctor has seen many cases of adult urinary incontinence and there is nothing to feel embarrassed about.

There are many different forms of treatment that may alleviate or treat the condition. Treatments may include simple exercises which may strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, adjusting your diet to avoid certain drinks such as coffee, soda and chocolate. Caffeine can be a bladder irritant which may worsen the condition. If you are a smoker, you should try to quit. Smoking can irritate the bladder and may cause coughing, which may worsen stress incontinence.

It certain cases it may be necessary for you to undergo surgery, such as removal of the prostate, which may have become enlarged due to the presence of cancer.
There are a variety of products that have been developed to help control the symptoms of AUI. These medical underwear products range from absorbent pads and shields for light bladder leakage to disposable briefs for more heavy protection at night time.

Suffering from AUI can be embarrassing and life changing. Many people suffer in silence, however, this is pointless and unnecessary as there is help available, you just have to ask for it.

How Do Men View Women’s Breast Size

If a woman is not tall by nature, having big boobs might make her look fat, when she is not in the first place. A tall and slim woman will look better with firmer breasts. Some men love them big, some love them small. There is a saying, anything more than a handful is a waste. This phrase is true to a certain extent. A smaller cup might indeed look more attractive than a bigger cup. It boils down to a woman's physical proportion.

In the first experiment the female confederate was instructed to sit in a nightclub for one hour whereas in the second experiment she was instructed to take a seat in a pavement area of a bar. It was found that increasing the breast size of the female confederate was associated with an increasing number of approaches by men.

If women are obsessed about their breast size and shape to the extent of surgery, men aren't doing any better. For many men female breasts are a source of fascination and fantasy. They get inspired from looking at pictures where they see cleavage, where breasts are enticingly almost visible, yet hidden.

However, things are different in many other countries and cultures around the world. In Europe women can walk on topless beaches, and men don't look at their breasts with special interest. It is a 'no big deal' type of thing. Seeing a breastfeeding mom does not cause people to become 'offended' or embarrassed. In some cultures, like native Indians or most Africans, women are or were topless on everyday basis.

If we have short woman, the bigger breasts make her fat, and in that case she will not be in the first place. In other hand a tall in a nature woman and slim will look great with better firmer breasts.

To them, breasts are like elbows or ankles to us: just a body part that everybody has, nothing that special, nothing to hide about. In this study two experiments were carried out in order to test the effect of a woman's breast size on approaches made by males. We hypothesized that an increase in breast size would be associated with an increase in approaches by men. A young female confederate was instructed to wear a bra that permitted her to artificially vary her breast size.

A great deal of sensual appeal centers on the female breast. Women tend to view their breasts through the reflection of their desirability to men. Breastfeeding is a wonderful and beautiful process of nourishing and comforting your offspring with your own body. There is nothing wrong if men and boys appreciate breasts for their real purpose and see them as 'sexual' in the sense of 'pertaining to the feminine sex, something making the person very much female, a woman who cares about her children'.

Reducing Back Strain At Work

Many of us spend long hours, day after day, sat at a desk staring at our PC monitor whilst at work. Yet how many of us sit in the correct position? Just assess how you are sitting now. If like me, you tend to find yourself gently sliding down the chair, into a slumped position. This causes a distinct curve at the bottom of your spine, is it any wonder why you suffer from back pain?

It was estimated that more than 11million working days are lost each year to back pain, which could be costing British Industry as much as £5bn per annum. However, according to the Royal College Of Physician’s Faculty Of Occupational Medicine, only 5% are serious cases, which may be caused by sciatica-trapped nerves in the leg. So if 95% of these cases are not serious, what can we do to avoid getting back pains and how is it caused?

By sitting in a static posture there is an increase in the stress put upon your back and neck, which can put a lot of pressure on the muscles and discs. By slouching the ligaments around your spine can become stretched, which again puts more stress on your discs.

To help you combat back problems or to prevent them from occurring follow our top tips below:-

-Adjust your office chair so that when you let your upper arms rest parallel to your spine, your forearms are resting at a 90 degree angle to your upper arms. If necessary move your chair up or down so that you can achieve this position with your arms. Most modern office chairs have the ability to move up and down, so there is no excuse not to have your chair adjusted appropriately.

-Use the armrests on your office chair. They should be adjusted so that they lift your arms slightly at the shoulders which will reduce the strain on your neck and shoulders.

-Your backside should be pressed against the rear of the chair and there should be a cushion that causes your lower back to arch slightly forward so as to avoid slouching forward. Avoid slouching in a chair, as this will put stress on your lower back.

-Take regular breaks from your desk. Move around and stretch. There are exercises that you can do to keep yourself mobile and to help alleviate tension that can build up during a working day.

-Sit with your backside tight to the chair back and try to pass a clenched fist between your calf and the chair. If this is not possible you should re adjust the chair. You should move the backrest forward or alternatively use a low back support.

-Your eyes should gaze at the centre of your monitor. If not then adjust the VDU or chair appropriately.

-Try to exercise to keep yourself fit and healthy. Yoga is a great way to exercise gently and to help reduce stress, which is another potential cause of back pain. By being stressed out your muscles tighten, potentially causing problems.

-It is a legal requirement for your employer to protect the health and welfare of their staff. They can provide a risk assessment for you and they must act on any reports of ill health caused by work. Talk to your employer if you feel that there is something that they can do to help with your working environment.

Short Explanation On Snoring

Snoring! Every person is fed up with this bad noise. It is due to the shivering which enables the elements in the atmosphere to make noisy waves. Snoring is the effect of the waves from the respiratory system.
A pleasant sound or an unpleasant sound is generated due lack of air ventilation in breathing when sleeping.
If the airflow is not continuous when sleeping then the nose tissues and throat shiver and snoring increases.
Snoring is not limited to a set of persons. It is universal. Tests give the information that 45% of men and 30% of women snore regularly.

All the people who don't snore often will snore during an illness or the time when pills are taken or when suffering from viral fever.

As air flows periodically from nose to mouth or lungs when breathing, it is directly linked to the reasons for snoring.

There are certainly many noises created at the time when we sit or at the time when we are breathing softly. 

And also when we physically strain our body some sort of sounds is generated by a strong air flow at the time of breathing.

It occurs because the air is moving to and from the nose and mouth repeatedly. This causes unstable air circulation and some shivering of the nose tissues and mouth.

The positions under the throat on the other side shrink when lying down.

The same portion of air transmitting through the smaller opening makes the tissues that rae close to the opening to shiver.

Sounds of snoring are caused because of the above. The reason for the contraction differs from person to person who snore.

Upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS) and obstructive sleep apnea-hyperpnoea syndrome are the two stages of snoring.

Any troubles to the sleep don't result in snoring. Instead snoring starts due to any blockage of airflow into the upper airways.

If the blockage continues then the work of saving enough air for breathing will end in transitory wake up from sleep.

This is upper airway resistance syndrome, is far different from the situation when the body struggles for oxygen.

If the blockage continuous long, the respiratory part will not be able to generate required oxygen levels for breathing. It ends in a reduction in the amount of oxygen in the blood.

As a result sleep may get spoiled due to awakenings at regular intervals. It's called as obstructive sleep apnea-hyperpnoea syndrome.

The absolute cause of snoring is only due to the vibration of the tissues when breathing. While sleeping the intake of alcohol or medicines prior, soothes the muscles.

The airway lowers quickly if the muscles of the pharynx, palate, tongue and neck are relaxed.

The high level of tissue shivering and a very small airway opening are the end to the above. Lots of medicines help in achieving a deep level of sleeping to reduce snoring.

New Ways to Quit Smoking – Find the Right Alternative

There are several ways through which you can stop smoking. These are the effective and proven ways that have been adopted by several people when there is a need to stop smoking. These new ways to quit smoking are loaded with tons of benefits and knowing them can surely motivate you. These effective ways for stop smoking can bring you more good health on a long-term basis and can save you from cancer or asthma like diseases successfully. Smoking is a bad practice and it can make the right call for cardiovascular problems. It can make you look aged and wrinkles will start to appear even though you are quite young. These are few negative impacts of smoking and sometime it may bring you critical health problems. This is the reason why you need to quit smoking. For that you need to follow some steps. All you need to keep in mind that these new ways to quit smoking are full of challenges. People need to understand about the problems that they need to face. A process that has worked for someone may not work for you. But when you need to quit smoking you have to look for the best ways that suits you.

•Sometime you can stop on smoking right away. This is a clean approach. Well, it’s always tough to quit smoking suddenly but not impossible. It may not work for you but you can at least try this process. While trying such method you have to cope with the necessary adjustments and craving. You need to have a strong mentality while adopting such process. Well, when you are attempting such process you will start to feel the pros and cons in less time. You need to be very strong when you plan to stop smoking, and you might need to face many problems in the process so it is very important that you are determined about what you want to do. For smokers it is a very difficult thing and people find it tough to quit smoking as the urge is very high at least when they start and hence the will power is very important.

•You can replace your smoking habit with something else. When you are trying to quit smoking, its not just the nicotine with which you need to deal. Keep in mind that it’s a habit that is offering you more problems and you have to quit it. You can replace this habit with another one. When the mood is there to start smoking, you can chew bubble gum or candies. These are the perfect kind of replacements that you can adopt instead of smoking. It will also clear the bad breath problem for you successfully. If you want then you can take help from your doctors they will show you about the process by which you quit smoking. If you start the process in the right way then there will be no problems.

Quiting smoking has become easier with Electronic Cigarettes. You can Quit Smoking Now with smokeless tobacco by freedom to quit smoking.

Acne Laser Treatment

Acne can be a teenager's nightmare: difficult to hide, time-consuming to treat, and never truly curable. Worse yet, though, even adults can be subject to its onset. Acne can bring more than its fair share of shame and stress to your life, but modern laser treatments can help you deal with the condition more easily and completely than what was once possible. Several types of laser acne removal exist, and most all of them are more beneficial than simple topical cream or antibiotics.

Laser Acne Treatment (LAT) employs a single, continuous wavelength of light which focuses on deeper layers of skin. There are two general types. The first are ablative or resurfacing lasers, which remove dead skin cells from the outer layer of skin. This opens pores and stimulates collagen, which in turn increases blood circulation, tightens the skin and minimizes scarring. The second type are non-ablative lasers, which stimulate collagen growth in order to raise and fill in "valleys" caused by acne scars. This type also destroys much of the Propionibacterium acne (or "P. Acne") bacteria which causes acne formation. Since the laser affects the deeper levels of skin, LAT generally requires multiple treatment sessions and shedding of outer skin layers before results become apparent.

Intense Pulse Light (IPL) differs from LAT in that it uses several different wavelengths of light to hit all levels of skin at once. In doing so, IPL can simultaneously treat all three stages of acne: it fights current inflammation by encouraging collagen growth, removes scars from previous inflammation, and destroys bacteria which would otherwise cause future inflammation. IPL may cause discomfort or minor pain depending on the sensitivity of the patient, but these cases are infrequent.

Light-Emitting Diodes (LED), or Blue Light/Red Light Therapy, are low-intensity and painless processes. Blue light kills P. acne bacteria, while red light stimulates collagen growth. Because of its low intensity, LED treatments must be scheduled more regularly than other types. However, LED also helps skin to grow up to 200% faster, and can also help remove skin wrinkles and sun damage.
Certainly, other methods of acne treatment exist beyond laser treatment, although they include their own significant downsides. Chemical peels may cause skin blisters, scarring and even infection. Steroid injections can flatten severe areas of inflammation, but the resulting skin atrophy and decreased blood flow make them temporary measures at best. Antibiotics often have a laundry list of major side-effects such as liver damage, depression and even birth defects. Prescription creams, meanwhile, must be reapplied so often that maintenance can get extremely time-consuming.

Laser treatments, on the other hand, are quick procedures whose effects can last up to two years. And the process is non-invasive, causing no major side-effects and very little pain. Though it can get expensive, laser acne removal more than makes up its worth in time saved and stress avoided. Consult with the certified professionals at your local laser spa, who will help determine the best procedure to keep your acne from growing into another nightmare.

Blood Sugar Foods and Herbs that Decreases Diabetes

Diabetes is disease which has become very common these days. It is also known as diabetes mellitus. It is caused by accumulation of glucose or sugar in blood. Generally the carbohydrates we eat are converted in to glucose. The glucose is burnt down by a hormone called insulin secreted by our pancreas.

The burnt glucose enters the body cells, supplying the body with energy. When this process does not take place properly, glucose builds up in the blood stream leading to diabetes. Diabetes is of three major types: Type 1 diabetes is caused due to insufficient supply of insulin, Type 2 diabetes is caused due to cells becoming insulin-resistant and Gestational diabetes attacks women during pregnancy.

Foods and Supplements that Decreases Blood Sugar Levels

Studies are finding that cinnamon reduces blood sugar levels naturally when taken daily. If you completely love cinnamon you can shower the recommended six grams of cinnamon on your food throughout the day to attain the desired effect. If you are not that big a fan of cinnamon there is another substitute cinnamon capsules. This gives you the suggested cinnamon dose all in one tidy capsule.


To help your body's cells counter correctly to insulin you can use Chromium. There are researches that are finding that people with diabetes have lower Chromium levels than people who do not suffer from diabetes. But here question arises that how do you add Chromium to your diet? Well it is a trace mineral so the best stake it to take a Chromium Picolinate dietary supplement.


 The mineral Zinc plays a enormous role in your body's production and storage of insulin. It is now being brought to light that people with diabetes mellitus have a Zinc deficiency. You can go about raising the Zinc in your diet by either taking a supplement or by eating foods that are high in Zinc value. This would include of lamb, oysters, pecans, almonds (badaam), chicken and sardines.

Herbs can control diabetes

Cinnamon has insulin like properties-

 It also reduces blood cholesterol and triglycerides which are also important factors for Type 2 Diabetes. A half teaspoon of cinnamon powder daily in diet can reduce the blood glucose level.

Bitter gourd-

Bitter gourd has some compounds that help in lowering blood sugar levels. Taking its juice early morning in empty stomach can give desired results.


Onion has a compound that is capable of blocking the breakdown of insulin and also stimulates the pancreas in insulin production. It gives good results whether eaten in raw or boiled form.

Fenugreek seeds-

Fenugreek seeds widely used as spice in different Indian recipes can lower the blood sugar levels. A teaspoonful of the powdered seeds if taken with a glass of water daily helps in the treatment.
Asian ginseng is usually used by the treat Diabetes. This herb stimulates the pancreas to produce insulin and increase the number of insulin receptors. These help in lowering the blood glucose levels.


Blueberry leaves has given remarkable results in ridding the body of excess blood glucose. Soaking few leaves in hot water and drinking 3 cups a day can produce good results.

Gingko biloba-

Gingko biloba is a popular herb to treat various diseases. Extract of its leaves may have good results in treating diabetes at the early stage.

Anti-Aging Herbs and Skin Care Remedies

Aging is a natural phenomenon that is undergone by all people. And as much as you want to stop it, the harder it becomes possible. When you reach the age of forty, or for some even at their late 30's, signs of aging begin to appear inevitably. Several physical changes begin to manifest in your senses and the majority especially in your skin.

On the other hand, signs related to aging can now be masked in various ways. Cosmetics and various food supplements rain down the market, giving much emphasis on anti-aging results. The sad fact is; most anti-aging products that really provide promising results come expensive and non-affordable to the average-earning individuals.

Anti-Aging Herbs


Jiaogulan is a Chinese herb also called the Longevity Herb and in Japan it is called Amachazuru and it is used to increase the Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) in the body. Researchers use the SOD levels in studies as a reliable indicator of long life. SOD is one of the body's most important antioxidants. Human studies have showed that SOD levels can returned to youthful levels after taking Jiaogulan for only one month.

Reishi Mushroom-

The Reishi mushroom has been uses by the Chinese and Japanese and is also known as the "Elixir of Immortality". It may have the ability to promote long life and improve the healing ability of the human body. It is believed to lower blood pressure, strengthen the immune system, has anti-tumor properties, improves liver functions, improves oxygen utilization, and inhibits histamine release.


Shilajit is found in the Himalayan mountains and has been used by the local residents for centuries. It is not unusually for the people living in that region to live to be over 100 years of age. Shilajit has been used for increasing physical strength, anti-aging, increased sex drive, injury healing, enhances mental function and the immune system.


Foti also called He Shou Wu in China is legendary in its ability to lengthen life. Modern studies have show that Foti has toe ability to lower serum cholesterol, prevent premature gray hair, promote red blood cell growth, and to increase longevity on a cellular level. This herb raises the level of the naturally occurring antioxidant Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) in the body.

Red clover-

This anti-aging herb contains phytoestrogen. Phytoestrogens act like the female hormone estrogen that keeps you from acquiring age-related symptoms. Red clover can help you cope with the menopausal symptoms and hot flushes.


This fruit is rich in antioxidants that dramatically slow down age-related physical changes. There are studies that show a favorable effect of blueberries in improving the eyesight. It is also thought to reduce inflammation, hypertension and some allergies.

Ginkgo Biloba-

Ginkgo biloba had enhanced short-term memory. Aside from this, another research has showed that it improves blood circulation. One of the major roles that this plant significantly plays in the aging process is that it appears to treat age-related memory loss. It is also known to treat loss of eyesight and hearing loss. However, individuals who are taking aspirin medications are warned in taking this because it might cause a synergistic effect.

Kidney Health Herbal Remedies and Vitamin for kidney stones

Kidney stones are related with the painful disorders due to stones in the kidney or urinary tract. The formation of stones is due to the deposition of crystals of calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate, uric acid and cystine.

Usually urine contains some natural substance which helps in dissolving the minerals and thus prevents them from becoming into solids. In some cases due to dehydration these salts remain undissolved and result into crystallization.

The size of these stones varies in size. It varies from grit, sand, and gravel. Sometimes it may be up to the size of a bird's egg. Gradually the stones form and grow due to the concentration of a particular substance in the urine.

Herbal Remedies and Simple Tips

Avoiding spicy foods till your stones pass is very beneficial. Spicy foods increase your chance of stone formation in the kidneys. Because prevention is the best medicine for this disease, it makes sense to avoid spicy foods like curries and spices.

Drinking filtered water or distilled water is optimal. Distilled water is water in its purest form and will not add to the composition of the stones. You should drink at least 2.5 - 3 liters of water daily. Again this prevention tip is also part of curing stones in your kidneys.

Avoiding caffeine is also important to remember until your kidney stones pass.

Parsley is great to supplement because it is loaded with fiber which can help with flushing the kidneys.

Any vegetable with a high content of chlorophyll is important to regularly eat. You should be eating asparagus, parsley and wheatgrass daily. All of these vegetables have abundant chlorophyll content for flushing.

Herbal Teas-

This could be found in health shops, herbal shops or online shops. Herbal teas aid in eliminating any excess of uric acid. You can make your home-made herbal tea as well. Just boil some herbs in water such as cramp bark and hydrangea, simmer, strain and served when cool.

Goldenrod is another popular herb tea that was found by North Americans to alleviate the painful effect of stones. Precaution must be observed for any allergic reactions.

Lemon Juice-

The juice contains citric acid that will dissolve or breakdown the stones into smaller particles. This will allow a fast and easy excretion external the body. Lemon juice too contains phosphoric acid that as well aids liquefy the stones.


This is extremely effective at flushing out body wastes through the bowels and urine.

Other Herbs-

This includes dandelion, couch grass, buchu and cleaver. These are some of the most useful herbs that you can use for herbal treatment as well.

Herbal capsule-

Aside from herbal teas, capsules are also readily available in the market. These are also useful as diuretics to assist in excreting kidney stones and other harmful toxin build-ups.

Exercise is also useful because it can help the gravel to move in the kidneys. Moving kidney stones are stones that will typically pass.

Finally, you should also consider using phosphoric acid to dissolve them. A phosphoric acid remedy works by using a beverage with plenty of phosphoric acid to help dissolve the hard calcium stones. This remedy is probably the most effective one for passing the calcium stones.

Vitamin for kidney stones

Vitamin A Aids healing kidney and urinary tissue.

Vitamin B6 Reduces kidney stones.

Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids Inhibits stone formation.

Vitamin B Complex helps decrease stones.

Calcium Aids mineral use.

Zinc Decreases stone formation.

Strong Teeth for Useful Herbs and Tooth Ache Remedies

Teeth whitening is about more than looking great, it's also about having confidence and a healthy smile. There are many different at-home teeth whitening products available as well as the option of seeing a cosmetic dentist to have your teeth professionally whitened. But, what if you are looking for a way to naturally whiten your teeth? There are products and ways to whiten your teeth naturally without harsh chemicals or expensive professional treatments.

Useful Herbs for Whitening of Teeth

Babul (Acacia arabica)

The importance of babul in whitening of teeth cannot be expressed in words. It is so much important in Ayurveda for this purpose that the ancient Indians used nothing but the twigs of the babul (the other tree used for this is neem) as disposable toothbrushes. The tannin present in babul is effective in increasing the whiteness of teeth.

Banyan (Ficus religiosa)

The aerial roots of the banyan can also be used as disposable toothbrushes. The banyan roots have astringent properties, which not only make the teeth whiter, but also make the teeth and gums healthier.

Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum)

The vegetation of the holy basil are dried out in the sun and powdered and use for brushing teeth. The leaves help in maintaining dental hygiene and make the teeth whiter. Apart from the whitening properties, holy basil is also used for protection from problems such as pyorrhea (i.e. bleeding of gums).

Margosa (Azadirachtha indica)

The neem tree, or the margosa, is a traditional remedy for having white healthy teeth. Neem twigs are used by several Indians even today as toothbrushes. Neem oils contain astringent and antiseptic properties to fight bad breath, kill microorganisms accumulated on the teeth and to combat dental caries and cavities.

Tooth Ache Remedies

Onion, though it has a bad reputation because of the specific taste and change of breath that come after consuming it, it is one of the tooth ache remedies you can prepare and easily administer.

Using it, you will help kill the bacteria responsible for your pain and possibly other tooth related problems. You can take a small onion and chew it for five minutes every day and thus you will successfully remove bacteria between your teeth.

You can regularly put a small piece of onion on the hurting tooth to relieve your pain. The juice from it will rinse inside the cavity and thus help in dealing with the pain.

Lemon juice is good when you want to drink cold lemonade but it is also good for your toothache! Why? For it is very rich in vitamin C keeping your teeth and gums healthy. It is one of the easiest found remedies in many homes and the best thing about it is that you can also prepare it very fast.

Compared to his sister, garlic works in the same way. Take two or three seeds of garlic and mix them together and then salt them. Use this mix on your tooth and the cleansing process will be similar to that of the onion.

Sunflower seeds are also storehouse of various elements. They contain vitamin A, fluoride, phosphorus and calcium. Sunflower seeds also prevent bleeding of gums. Foods like parsley, turnip, beet and radishes, to name a few, contain green pigment chlorophyll that helps you keep proper health of your teeth.

10 Reasons Play Can Make You Healthy, Happy, and More Productive

Play is not trivial; it's a basic biological drive as critical to our health as sleep or food. Here are 10 ways that play makes life better:
Click here to find out more!

Play has been scientifically proved to be good for the brain. All animals play, even though playing is not immediately productive and is sometimes dangerous. Yet grizzly bears that play the most survive longest. Rats that socialize more with other rats develop bigger, more complex brains. And play stimulates nerve growth in the portions of the brain that process emotions and executive function.

Play teaches us to use our imaginations. Imagination is perhaps the most powerful human ability, letting us create simulated realities we can explore without abandoning the real world. Children start to tackle imaginative play around age 2, when they tend to begin telling silly stories. As kids grow older, the line between pretend and real becomes more solid, but imaginative play continues to nourish the spirit.

Rough-and-tumble play teaches us how to cooperate and play fair. Research in humans and animals has shown that roughhousing is necessary for the development of social awareness, cooperation, fairness, and altruism. This is particularly true for preschoolers; what looks like anarchy on the playground is an experiment in the give-and-take necessary for the mastery of social skills. One researcher found that early forms of play, such as chasing, relate to social problem-solving skills that children develop later on. And if young rats are denied rough-and-tumble play, they develop serious social problems in adulthood and aren't able to mate.

Play helps us learn to be friends. When children are 4 to 6 years old, they start "mutual play"; listening to other kids' points of view and incorporating them into imaginative games. This mutual play is the basic state of friendship that sustains us throughout our lives.

Sometimes the best way to learn a complicated subject is to play with it. That's why kids often learn computer systems faster than adults; they aren't afraid to just try stuff out and see what works. Kids don't fear doing something wrong. If they do, they learn from it and do it differently the next time.

Kids do better academically when they have recess. Middle schoolers who are more physically fit do better on academic tests, and grade schoolers who have more than 15 minutes of recess a day show better behavior in class than children who have less or no recess. Animals remember things better and longer when those things are learned through play, perhaps because of the total involvement and focus that play requires.

Physical play delays mental decline in old age. Research on this is still in the early stages, but older people who get regular exercise are less likely to suffer cognitive decline. Doing crossword puzzles, brain teasers, and other thinking games seems to help, too.

A little play can help solve big problems. Play is nature's great tool for creating new neural networks and for reconciling cognitive difficulties. When we play, dilemmas and challenges naturally filter through the unconscious mind and work themselves out. Even a few hours spent doing something you love can make you new again.

Playing at work is not just useful; it's essential. When the going gets tough, the tough go play. Firefighters and police officers use joking around and dark humor to cope with the dangers of their work. Most of us don't face the risk of dying on the job, but there is always the danger of looking bad, costing the company money, or being laid off. Play gives people the emotional distance to rally. In his book, Brown recounts a story about a CEO he knows who gathered employees to talk about a recent bad quarter. The CEO took the blame for the company's performance, then told the employees that under every seat was a toy dart gun with foam darts and that they were all invited to take a shot at him. The CEO then went on to explain how they were going to turn things around. The foam darts told everyone that the situation was not so dire: It was OK to have some setbacks, admit failures, take the hit, and figure out ways to fix the problems.

When we get play right, all areas of our lives go better. One of the hardest things to teach kids is how to make it past difficulty or boredom to find the fun. Making all of life an act of play occurs when we recognize and accept that there may be some discomfort in play and that every experience has both pleasure and pain. Advanced play, the black belt of play, comes when we realize this and act on it. Then, our work is our play and our play is our work, and we have a hard time telling the difference between them.

Optimism Protects Teens From Depression, Health Risks

Parents are always telling kids they need to be optimistic, but there hasn't been much evidence that optimism really does them any good. Looking on the bright side may even hurt teenagers, say some experts, because it can make them downplay the risks posed by smoking and drug abuse. That's in stark contrast to older adults, who are generally healthier and happier the more optimistic they are.

But researchers in Australia say that optimism may help protect teenagers against depression. That news, reported in the journal Pediatrics, could matter to many teens, since 10 to 15 percent of adolescents have symptoms of depression at any given time. Depression is a huge risk factor for suicide and increases the risk of substance abuse, trouble in school and relationships, and physical illness.

The researchers followed 5,634 Australian 12- and 13-year-olds for 18 months, asking them about their psychological state, substance abuse, and antisocial behavior. The more optimistic the students were, the less likely they were to become depressed. But there was just a modest effect on other common teen problems. For instance, optimistic teenagers were only slightly less likely to be involved in criminal activity or heavy substance abuse.

What makes optimism work? An optimist believes the good things that happen in life will keep happening, and that they happen because she or he made them happen. Optimists also figure that bad things happen occasionally, and by chance, not because of one's own mistakes; and they believe those bad things are unlikely to happen again.

But for glass-half-empty types, there's good news: Optimism can be learned and it can help parents and teens deal more effectively with everyday adversity, says Martin Seligman, a psychologist who leads the Positive Psychology Center at the University of Pennsylvania. And learning to be more optimistic is as easy as ABCDE, says Seligman. (To see where you fall on the optimism/pessimism scale, take his optimism test.) He describes our usual response to life's bumps and bruises as a three-step process, or ABC:
  • Adversity. Recognizing a problem.
  • Belief. What you believe about the problem. For example, the guy who cut you off in traffic is a jerk and an idiot.
  • Consequences. You get mad at that jerk, and it ruins your day.
To avoid that bad consequence and increase optimism, Seligman recommends adding in two more steps, D and E:
  • Disputation. Question your belief in what happened. What else could have caused the problem? Does your belief in what happened do you any good? Apply that to the jerk-in-traffic example, and it's easy to see how you can start rewriting the scenario to a happier outcome.
  • Energization. This one sounds a bit woo-woo, but it just means figuring out how you can improve the situation, and jumping on it. For road rage, it could be as simple as laughing over the craziness of rush-hour traffic. In other situations, it could be asking others to help with a challenging project, seeking forgiveness from someone you've wronged, or distracting yourself from brooding over the bad things in life.
Our world is full of news that could turn us all into pessimists, and teenagers are experts at ruminating over the world's injustices. Optimism, whether born or learned, may make the travails of teenagerhood a bit less painful for us all.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Nutrition and Good Oral Health

 Choosing the right foods in your diet is an important aspect in having healthy teeth and good oral hygiene. Establishing good nutritional habits in kids and teenagers can be especially beneficial for good eating patterns and food choices throughout their lives.
How Nutrition affects oral health
The foods that you eat come in contact with the germs and bacteria that live in the mouth. If you don’t brush, plaque will accumulate on the teeth. Plague thrives on the starches and sugars that are found in a great deal of foods. When plaque combines with the sugars and starches, an acid is produced that attacks enamel on the teeth, and eventually causes decay. According to the American Dental Association, the acid attacks the teeth for 20 minutes or more.
Choosing a Healthy Diet
Choosing a healthy diet may sound easy, however, fruits, milk, cereals, bread and some vegetables contain sugars and / or starches. Carbonated sodas, sweet fruit drinks and sugary snack foods should be limited.
You don’t have to avoid these foods, just keep in mind that you should eat a balanced diet, brush your teeth twice a day and floss daily.
Healthy Tips

  • Drink plenty of water

  • Eat a variety of healthy foods from the five major food groups

  • Cut down on snacking in between meals

  • Limit snacks and drinks that are high in sugar

  • Brush twice a day

  • Floss Daily

  • Visit your dentist for regular check ups

  • Summary
    While eating healthy foods and avoiding snacks and drinks that are high in sugar are good ways to prevent cavities, a good dental regime is essential in maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Plaque can be removed by brushing and flossing thoroughly and your dentist can detect any signs of early decay. If you have a severe sweet tooth like me, try starting out by replacing one snack a day with healthy choices.

    Food Pyramid

    Thursday, January 6, 2011

    Wednesday, January 5, 2011

    Health Recipe: Better Beef Lasagna


    • 12 ounces whole-wheat lasagna noodles (15 noodles)
    • 8 ounces lean ground beef (90 percent lean or higher)
    • 2 teaspoons olive oil
    • 8 ounces portobello mushrooms, diced (about 3 large mushroom caps)
    • 4 cups good quality store-bought marinara sauce
    • 1 (15 ounce) container part-skim ricotta cheese
    • 1 (10 ounce) package frozen chopped spinach, thawed and well drained
    • 1 egg, lightly beaten
    • 1/2 teaspoon salt
    • 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
    • Pinch ground nutmeg
    • 1/4 cup grated Parmesan
    • 3 ounces grated part-skim mozzarella cheese (about 2/3 cup)


    Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.

    Cook the noodles al dente according to the directions on the package. Drain them well then lay out on waxed paper to prevent them from sticking to each other.

    Heat a large nonstick skillet over a medium-high heat. Add the beef and cook until no longer pink, breaking it up into small pieces as it cooks, about 3 minutes. Transfer the meat to a plate, discarding any fat remaining in the pan.

    Add the oil to the same pan and heat over a medium-high heat. Add the mushrooms and cook, stirring occasionally until all the liquid has evaporated and they begin to brown, about 5 minutes. Return the meat to the pan. Stir in 2 cups of the tomato sauce and simmer for 2 minutes.

    In a medium bowl combine the ricotta cheese, spinach, egg, the salt, the pepper and nutmeg.

    Spread 1 cup of tomato sauce on the bottom of a 9 by 13 inch baking dish. Place a layer of lasagna noodles on top, touching but not overlapping. Spread half of the ricotta mixture on top of the noodles. Add another layer of noodles. Top with half the beef-mushroom mixture. Repeat with another layer of noodles, then remaining cheese mixture, more noodles, then remaining beef mixture and finally 1 more layer of noodles. Top the final layer of noodles with the remaining sauce, then sprinkle with the grated cheeses. Cover loosely with foil and bake for 45 minutes. Uncover and bake for 15 minutes more.

    Nutritional analysis per serving
    Calories 530; Total Fat 16 g; (Sat Fat 7 g, Mono Fat 5 g, Poly Fat 0.75 g) ; Protein 35 g; Carb 62 g; Fiber 9 g; Cholesterol 90 mg; Sodium 1150 mg

    Excellent source of: Protein, Fiber, Vitamin A, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus, Potassium, Selenium, Zinc

    Good source of: Folate, Copper, Magnesium

    Try it at home:-)

    Kaitan Kewangan Dengan Kesihatan

    Baru-baru ini kita dikejutkan dengan berita seorang bapa yang baru keluar dari hospital kerana menjalani pembedahan jantung telah ditinggalkan oleh anak beliau sendiri di tepi jalanraya.
    Masalahnya ialah masalah keluarga, apabila menantunya tidak dapat menerima si bapa itu tadi untuk tinggal bersama-sama dengan mereka. Tapi apa yang menyedihkan ialah si bapa itu baru sahaja keluar dari hospital dan tentunya belum pulih sepenuhnya.
    Si bapa pula terpaksa bermalam di pondok menunggu bas sebelum ditemui oleh seseorang dan kemudiannya di hantar ke rumah orang-orang tua.
    Begitulah ceritanya yang benar-benar berlakku di zaman ini. Sebenarnya cerita sebegini tidaklah begitu asing lagi pada masa ini. Sehinggakan salah satu iklan Petronas juga pernah membawa mesej yang sama.
    Persoalannya sekarang bolehkah kita mengharap kepada anak-anak kita untuk menjaga kita di masa akan datang. Menjaga diri samalah juga dengan menjaga kesihatan. Apatah lagi sekiranya kita mengidap penyakit yang kronik seperti stroke atau angin ahmar. Penjagaan diri dan penjagaan kesihatan akan menjadi lebih rumit.
    Pada pandangan saya kita harus bersedia untuk menghadapi hari tua. Kita tidak boleh lagi bergantung kepada kerajaan & anak-anak kita semata-mata. Kerana dengan bergantung kepada kerajaan mahupun anak-anak, masa tua kita tidak begitu terjamin.
    Jadi kita perlu memastikan simpanan kewangan kita mencukupi untuk hari tua. Selain dari itu, perancangan insuran juga mesti ada. Jadi sekiranya anak-anak kita tidak mahukan kita lagi kita mempunyai kewangan yang cukup untuk menampung perbelanjaan sendiri.
    Kita mungkin boleh mengambil orang gaji dan membayarnya sendiri. Saya rasakan di masa-masa yang akan datang kes-kes serupa ini akan bertambah. Satu-satunya cara untuk kita mengelaknya dari berlaku kepada diri kita ialah dengan membuat perancangan awal dan agar cerita seperti ini tidak berlaku kepada kita. Healthy First!

    Kunci Kesihatan Sepanjang Hayat

    Apabila anda sakit, anda akan berjumpa doktor. Sudah tentu doktor akan memberi anda ubat. Anda makan ubat tersebut dengan harapan anda akan sihat semula. Beginilah bagaimana perjalanan perkhidmatan kesihatan sekarang, satu kitaran diagnosis dan preskrepsi.

    Anda telah mendengarnya sebelum ini tetapi saya akan mengulanginya lagi. Pencegahan lebih baik dari pengubatan. Namun anda mungkin tidak memberi perhatian kepadanya. Sekiranya anda melihat dengan teliti saranan doktor tadi, ia akan membawa kepada kesimpulan bahawa mereka sebenarnya ingin mengesan sesuatu penyakit dengan lebih awal. Cuba renungkan. Renungkan bahawa makna sebenar pencegahan adalah menahan sesuatu dari berlaku, bukan memperbetulkan kerosakan. Selamat mengamalkan cara hidup sihat.

    Posting Pertama Sihat Belaka

    Info2 berkaitan kesihatan akan dipaparkan dalam ruangan blog sihat belaka tidak kira dari dalam mahupun luar negara. Healthy First!