Wednesday, January 19, 2011

How Do Men View Women’s Breast Size

If a woman is not tall by nature, having big boobs might make her look fat, when she is not in the first place. A tall and slim woman will look better with firmer breasts. Some men love them big, some love them small. There is a saying, anything more than a handful is a waste. This phrase is true to a certain extent. A smaller cup might indeed look more attractive than a bigger cup. It boils down to a woman's physical proportion.

In the first experiment the female confederate was instructed to sit in a nightclub for one hour whereas in the second experiment she was instructed to take a seat in a pavement area of a bar. It was found that increasing the breast size of the female confederate was associated with an increasing number of approaches by men.

If women are obsessed about their breast size and shape to the extent of surgery, men aren't doing any better. For many men female breasts are a source of fascination and fantasy. They get inspired from looking at pictures where they see cleavage, where breasts are enticingly almost visible, yet hidden.

However, things are different in many other countries and cultures around the world. In Europe women can walk on topless beaches, and men don't look at their breasts with special interest. It is a 'no big deal' type of thing. Seeing a breastfeeding mom does not cause people to become 'offended' or embarrassed. In some cultures, like native Indians or most Africans, women are or were topless on everyday basis.

If we have short woman, the bigger breasts make her fat, and in that case she will not be in the first place. In other hand a tall in a nature woman and slim will look great with better firmer breasts.

To them, breasts are like elbows or ankles to us: just a body part that everybody has, nothing that special, nothing to hide about. In this study two experiments were carried out in order to test the effect of a woman's breast size on approaches made by males. We hypothesized that an increase in breast size would be associated with an increase in approaches by men. A young female confederate was instructed to wear a bra that permitted her to artificially vary her breast size.

A great deal of sensual appeal centers on the female breast. Women tend to view their breasts through the reflection of their desirability to men. Breastfeeding is a wonderful and beautiful process of nourishing and comforting your offspring with your own body. There is nothing wrong if men and boys appreciate breasts for their real purpose and see them as 'sexual' in the sense of 'pertaining to the feminine sex, something making the person very much female, a woman who cares about her children'.

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