Ear tinnitus is the continuous noise in the ear. Some patients say that it is like a banging voice, for some, the noise of hammer continuously hits upon steel surface and few describe it as buzzing. So, the harshness of the sound is different in each case but the suffering of the patient is same.
There are two types of tinnitus. One in which the sound heard inside the ear. Both ears suffer from the continuous thud internally. The second one disturbs the head. These patients explain that the noise is there in their head.
Causes of ear tinnitus can be defined as follow:
Exposure to very loud noise:
Internal structure of human ear is very complex and sensitive. Those hearing cords get affected by very harsh, loud noise. The vibrations of the deafening sound hurt the internal structure of ear which causes this disease. Machine operators, factory workers, welders develop ear tinnitus in their mid- forties.
Hearing loss, internal ear infection, ear wounds, head injuries, mental abnormality, side effect of some medicines are few other causes of ear tinnitus.
Hearing Loss is very general cause of tinnitus. This defect increases the tendency of tinnitus. And it is the effect of tinnitus too. After such noise is heard continuously, patient automatically loses the capacity to hear other sounds. So, both the cause and affect are co-dependent.
Ear infection hurts the structure of ear which can develop tinnitus. Fungus infection is common for those who live in humid regions. If such infection is ignored or mistreated, the chances of ear tinnitus increase.
Ear wounds and head injuries which hurt ear chords are responsible for ear tinnitus. As the structure of ear is very complex and delicate, the accidents and wounds may impair ears easily. The same case is with head injuries as the sound identifying nerves are attached in the head, major head injurious too can cause tinnitus.
Mental abnormality is also a major cause of tinnitus. These patients are not in a conscious sound mind state. So, they hear such voices in ear. Such patients are not co operative to treatments so they suffer a lot because of the disease.
Side effect of the medicines can be a reason of ear tinnitus. A very well known name of such medicine is aspirin. There are many others too which can gift you “the tinnitus” as their side effect. Some serious diseases like brain tumors, cancer, and high blood pressure too develop tinnitus. In fact ear tinnitus is the pre- intimation given by the body before such serious illnesses. These are some causes of tinnitus.
We need to care for such patients more cautiously because they lose their sleep. The noise disturbs their listening ability as well as mental piece too. The restlessness makes them short tempered and impatient. If family members handle them with affection they can gradually come out with the help of proper treatments.
So, understand the patient and treat him with the best medicine, i.e. care.
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