Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Kidney Health Herbal Remedies and Vitamin for kidney stones

Kidney stones are related with the painful disorders due to stones in the kidney or urinary tract. The formation of stones is due to the deposition of crystals of calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate, uric acid and cystine.

Usually urine contains some natural substance which helps in dissolving the minerals and thus prevents them from becoming into solids. In some cases due to dehydration these salts remain undissolved and result into crystallization.

The size of these stones varies in size. It varies from grit, sand, and gravel. Sometimes it may be up to the size of a bird's egg. Gradually the stones form and grow due to the concentration of a particular substance in the urine.

Herbal Remedies and Simple Tips

Avoiding spicy foods till your stones pass is very beneficial. Spicy foods increase your chance of stone formation in the kidneys. Because prevention is the best medicine for this disease, it makes sense to avoid spicy foods like curries and spices.

Drinking filtered water or distilled water is optimal. Distilled water is water in its purest form and will not add to the composition of the stones. You should drink at least 2.5 - 3 liters of water daily. Again this prevention tip is also part of curing stones in your kidneys.

Avoiding caffeine is also important to remember until your kidney stones pass.

Parsley is great to supplement because it is loaded with fiber which can help with flushing the kidneys.

Any vegetable with a high content of chlorophyll is important to regularly eat. You should be eating asparagus, parsley and wheatgrass daily. All of these vegetables have abundant chlorophyll content for flushing.

Herbal Teas-

This could be found in health shops, herbal shops or online shops. Herbal teas aid in eliminating any excess of uric acid. You can make your home-made herbal tea as well. Just boil some herbs in water such as cramp bark and hydrangea, simmer, strain and served when cool.

Goldenrod is another popular herb tea that was found by North Americans to alleviate the painful effect of stones. Precaution must be observed for any allergic reactions.

Lemon Juice-

The juice contains citric acid that will dissolve or breakdown the stones into smaller particles. This will allow a fast and easy excretion external the body. Lemon juice too contains phosphoric acid that as well aids liquefy the stones.


This is extremely effective at flushing out body wastes through the bowels and urine.

Other Herbs-

This includes dandelion, couch grass, buchu and cleaver. These are some of the most useful herbs that you can use for herbal treatment as well.

Herbal capsule-

Aside from herbal teas, capsules are also readily available in the market. These are also useful as diuretics to assist in excreting kidney stones and other harmful toxin build-ups.

Exercise is also useful because it can help the gravel to move in the kidneys. Moving kidney stones are stones that will typically pass.

Finally, you should also consider using phosphoric acid to dissolve them. A phosphoric acid remedy works by using a beverage with plenty of phosphoric acid to help dissolve the hard calcium stones. This remedy is probably the most effective one for passing the calcium stones.

Vitamin for kidney stones

Vitamin A Aids healing kidney and urinary tissue.

Vitamin B6 Reduces kidney stones.

Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids Inhibits stone formation.

Vitamin B Complex helps decrease stones.

Calcium Aids mineral use.

Zinc Decreases stone formation.

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